Tortuga es uno de los collares de la nueva colección, uno de mis preferidos pq la pieza centra, la tortuga, está hecha con cristal soplado de forma artesanal. ¡Un pequeño lujo!
Es un collar fino y muy femenino que resulta realmente bonito tanto con camisetas como para dar un toque especial a esa blusa blanca que tanto usamos para ir a trabajar. ¡Así, es más original! Pero no deja de quitar formalidad al look "working girl"
La cadena del collar es muy finita, se trata de una cadena cobra pq a pesar de ser muy fina está articulada y es muy flexible y ligera.
Turtle is one of the necklaces from the new collection, one of my favorite piece because the turtle is made of blown glass of artisan way. A little luxury!
It is a fine and very feminine necklace that is really nice to wear with shirts but also to give a special touch to this white blouse that we use to go to work. So, it's original! But do not quit formality to the look of "working girl"
The necklace chain is tiny, being very thin is hinged and is very flexible and light.
It is a fine and very feminine necklace that is really nice to wear with shirts but also to give a special touch to this white blouse that we use to go to work. So, it's original! But do not quit formality to the look of "working girl"
The necklace chain is tiny, being very thin is hinged and is very flexible and light.
Me gusta tanto que estoy segura de que me voy a quedar uno para mi y que le sacaré mucho partido esta temporada ya que el rosa será uno de los colores estrella de esta nueva temporada.
I like it so much that I'm sure I'm keeping one for me and it'll wear it a lot of times this season as the pink color will be one of the star of the new season.
Si te gusta puedes hacerte con el tuyo: // If you love them and want to buy one for you:
Mi tienda online - My online store
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